Monday, June 2, 2008

Naughty Little Girl

Marissa is starting to really push the line. She laughs and thinks that it is funny when she does something wrong. So Brett and I have cracked the whip and started sticking her in the corner, at first she would just laugh and try to get out, but now she knows that she better stay.

When I was at work she og tinto my fingernail polish, got it opened (I don't know how) and poared it out on our brand new carpet. Grrrrr! CORNER!!!!


Melina Ficek said...

Its always happends when you are gone huh? I started a new punishment system with my kids. I made a list of 6 punishments, and then when they get in trouble, they get to roll a die to see which punishment they get.

The George's said...

That is awful about your carpet. It's hard to teach these little ones.