Thursday, November 6, 2008

I am Three

Today is Marissa birthday and she is now three. I can't believe she is growing up so fast, but at least she still looks likes she is two. We celebrated her birthday on Moneday cause Brett has to go to Seattle for an advanced trauma life suppot class today and he was on call on Tuesday and Wednesday so we has her party ealry. I don't have any pictures cuase I video taped instead, but it was very fun and she was so cute blowing out her candles, let's say that the cake got sprayed. So now she is three and potty trained and growing up, I am sad but happy. She is such a cute, fun little girl, and a terror too. She getsin to everything and makes such a mess and breaks stuff.


kendra said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STAR!!!!! We love you!
Kendra and Boys

Amanda Davis said...

He the manuels for this year are CTR3 and Val are in 5. Hope that helps! Amanda (at least I think it is it is the pink one in JR. and the one that does D&C for senior)

The George's said...

The big 3! Your baby is 3, one day that will be the case here, I guess not for a while.